About Us

  • MBBS; DCH; DNB (Peds), Fellow and Peds Intensive Care
  • Fellow: Infectious Diseases
  • Diploma in Peds Asthma & Allergy (CMC, Vellore)
  • E-MAIL : kedar.pedskp@gmail.com,

After finishing schooling in Hyderabad, he did MBBS from ISME - CMS, Nepal. He secured University ranks in Physiology, Gen. Surgery & OBSGYN.

He underwent Post - Graduate training in Pediatrics from KEM Medical College & Teaching Hospital, Mumbai, which is one of the Premier Teaching Medical Institutions in India. He then served Mumbai Municipal Corporation as a Specialist Registrar in Pediatrics in Rajiv Gandhi Medical Collage and Teaching Hospital which is a seat for many research activities.

An inclination towards Pediatric Critical Care led him to Kanchi Kamakoti Childs Trust Hospital in Chennai to persuade training in Pediatric Critical Care Medicine.

Further he worked at Lotus Children's Hospital for three years in Pediatric Critical Care, Neonatal Intensive Care and Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care units. One year during this period was dedicated towards Pediatric Cardiac Critical Care.

During this period he also completed training for Diplomate of National Board (Pediatrics) from Krishna Institute of Medical Science, Secunderabad, one of the rapidly growing hospitals in India in this decade.

Other feathers in the hat are the various presentations in National & International Conferences and Medical Journals.

His Previously Held Positions:

  • Consultant Pediatrician & Intensivist in Neo BBC Newborn & Children's Hospital in Vidya Nagar, Hyderabad, which is a tertiary care referral center to many Pediatricians across Andhra Pradesh & Neighboring states. He was heading the Pediatric Intensive care division here. He was instrumental in setting up the PICU and established the working protocols there.
  • Consultant Pediatrician in Innova Children`s Hospital, Taranaka, Secunderabad, which is one of the best Pediatric Cardiac Centers in India.
  • Consultant Pediatrician, Pediatric Intensivist, Pediatric Allergist & Asthma Specialist with Lotus Children's Hospital, Lakadi Ka Pool & Kukatpally, Hyderabad.

Presently, he is the Consultant Pediatrician, Pediatric Intensivist, Pediatric Allergist & Asthma Specialist with Ankura Hospitals for Women & Children, Kukatpally, Hyderabad.

In 2014, he completed training in Allergy & Asthma from the Reputed Christian Medical College, Vellore and has established a Non - Profit Organization: ALLERGY ASTHMA ACTION GROUP, which is dedicated to bring all practising Allergists and Asthma specialists together for educating the medical fraternities regarding the Asthma & Allergy awareness. Also, this conducts various national level and state level CME`s for empowering the physicians regarding the practice of Allergy & Asthma.


Founder – Director and Chief Executive Officer for ALLERGY ASTHMA ACTION GROUP which is a Non – Profit Non – Governmental Organization which aims at educational development and empowering knowledge to Physicians (All Specialities in Medicine) who deal with Allergies and Asthma in India. It's a PAN India presence facilitated many academic activities across India with its group members who are trained in the field of Allergy & Asthma.

To raise general health awareness, he also gave numerous talks in MNC`s like ICICI, J.P Morgan etc.

To know more pls visit: www.drkedar.org  & www.aaag.co.in